Human trafficking is a complex topic, and this course has provided you with an understanding of what it is, how it happens, and how to support someone who has been trafficked. As you have learned, there are many risk factors and Inuit can be vulnerable prey to those who seek to traffic humans.
Can we prevent human trafficking? We like to think that eventually, yes, we can. It will take a long time and won’t be easy. It will require a huge societal shift and include things like; ending the demand, holding purchasers of sex accountable, education, removal of barriers to basic needs, and so much more.
Can someone who has been trafficked ever heal from their trauma? YES! With the right support and services, many people move forward and live full and happy lives. Trauma does not necessarily go away, however survivors learn how to reduce the impact it has on their lives. They learn about themselves, their strengths, and capabilities, and see themselves as whole and healthy.
They have HOPE – and that is a powerful force.
If you suspect someone is a victim of human trafficking, or are a victim yourself, you can call the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-833-900-1010. It is available 24/7 and depending on the urgency of the call, you may be connected to local 911 services. More information can be found at Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline.
To learn more about human trafficking, there is a complete course available at Helping Trafficked Persons. While it was developed in Ontario, it provides information that is useful for anyone wanting to learn more about the topic.