“How Do You Breathe Calm Air?” Contest

In 2018, IIKELC was incredibly excited to announce our Kivalliq regional video contest, Breathe Calm Air.

Check out Jordin Tootoo’s video which detailed the contest!

How do you breath calm air infographic.

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2024 Mental Health Creative Writing Contest

In honour of Embrace Life Day / World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th the Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit Embrace Life Council (IIKELC) is happy to announce that this year’s Mental Health Creative Writing Contest (MHCWC) is now open! The MHCWC is a contest for Nunavut residents to write stories that are meaningful to oneself, to.

Inspiring Nunavummiuq Highlight

Words from Gwen Natsiq

Your mental health is the most important thing, it should be your top priority. You need to know who you are as a person, what your boundaries are, and what helps you feel better about being a good role model.

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