Thinking About Suicide?


The last thing that most people expect is that they will run out of reasons to live. But if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, you need to know that you’re not alone. By some estimates, as many as one in six people will become seriously suicidal at some point in their lives.

Some Important Facts We Would Like to Share with You

Suicidal thinking is usually associated with problems that can be treated.

Clinical depression, anxiety disorders, chemical dependency, and other disorders produce profound emotional distress. They also interfere with effective problem-solving. But you need to know that studies show that the vast majority of people who receive appropriate treatment improve or recover completely. Even if you have received treatment before, you should know that different treatments work better for different people in different situations. Several tries are sometimes necessary before the right combination is found.

If you are unable to think of solutions other than suicide, it is not that solutions don’t exist, only that you are currently unable to see them.

Therapists and counsellors (and sometimes friends) can help you to see solutions that otherwise are not apparent to you.

Suicidal Crises are Almost Always Temporary

Although it might seem as if your unhappiness will never end, it is important to realize that crises are usually time-limited. Solutions are found, feelings change, unexpected positive events occur. Suicide is sometimes referred to as “a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” Don’t let suicide rob you of better times that will come your way when you allow more time to pass.

Problems are Seldom as Great as they Appear at First Glance

Job loss, financial problems, loss of important people in our lives – all such stressful events can seem catastrophic at the time they are happening. Then, months or years later, they usually look smaller and more manageable. Sometimes, imagining ourselves “five years down the road” can help us to see that a problem that currently seems catastrophic will pass and that we will survive.

Reasons for Living can Help Sustain a Person in Pain

A famous psychologist once conducted a study of Nazi concentration camp survivors, and found that those who survived almost always reported strong beliefs about what was important in life. You, too, might be able to strengthen your connection with life if you consider what has sustained you through hard times in the past. Family ties, religion, love of art or nature, and dreams for the future are just a few of the many aspects of life that provide meaning and gratification, but which we can lose sight of due to emotional distress.

Do Not Keep Suicidal Thoughts to Yourself!

Help is available for you, whether through a friend, therapist, or member of the clergy. Find someone you trust and let them know how bad things are. This can be your first step on the road to healing.

More Resources


Talking to Children About Suicide – Children’s Book

Over the years, IIKELC has received many requests for a resource to support families in talking to their children about suicide. In response to these requests, we have created a children’s book called “Talking to Children About Suicide” that follows the story of a child attempting to understand and process this type of loss.  This.


Isumajunnattiarniq – Nunavut’s New Mindfulness App!

The Isumajunnattiarniq app is a culturally relevant, inclusive, and accessible digital tool designed to support the mental health and well-being of Nunavummiut. Named after the Inuktitut word for mindfulness, Isumajunnattiarniq aims to provide a safe and supportive resource for users of all ages to help manage stress and trauma-related symptoms. Recognizing the ongoing challenges faced.

Mental Health & Wellness

Addiction Education Lessons

IIKELC is proud to announce a new 4-part addiction education series that covers the topics of childhood trauma and addiction, alcohol, cannabis, and stimulants. This series is a unique approach to looking at addiction and addictive substances as it covers the general effects and dangers as well as health alternatives to each substance we look.

Colouring Pages

Nunavut Colouring Pages

Please enjoy these colouring pages that were developed for the Suicide Prevention Summit.

Self Care

ᐃᓄᑦᓯᐊᖅ Inutsiaq

The Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit Embrace Life Council is happy to share the Inutsiaq Campaign videos on this special occasion, Pink Shirt Day. On this day, let’s give support and kindness to one another in our communities.

Mental Health & Wellness

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